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Maritime Economics : A Macroeconomic Approach EPUB, PDF, TXT


The 21st century has seen shipping evolve from a fundamental transport industry into an asset which is at the mercy of speculative flows and business cycles. This structural shift has a number of important ramifications for the business of shipping as well as for investment strategy. This ground breaking text develops a new macroeconomic approach to maritime economics, with an emphasis on the individual shipping markets and their interdependence, in order to arm the reader with a more comprehensive understanding of the way modern shipping markets function and enable the making of critical decisions such as when to buy and sell ships and when to be in the spot or the period market.Karakitsos and Varnavides bring together their wealth of experience in shipping, finance and academia to make a number of key contributions to the study of maritime economics including: Viewing Freight rates as asset prices determined as a bargaining game between charterers and owners who form expectations of future demand and supply to create a dynamic analysis of freight rates. Theorising ships as assets, where prices are determined by demand and supply. Explaining how the demand for vessels is derived as a dynamic problem of fleet capacity expansion. Integrating the supply and the expectations approaches to shipping cycles. Explaining how shipping cycles are caused by business cycles and expectations in demand by integrating maritime economics with macroeconomics.Maritime Economics: A Macroeconomic Approach is divided into three distinct parts; Part I analyses the micro-foundations of maritime economics, by deriving the demand and supply functions in the freight (spot and period), shipyard, second-hand and scrap markets. Part II reviews the efficiency of shipping markets and the theory of business and shipping cycles. Part III analyses the financialisation of shipping markets, the constraints of ship finance, the interaction between business and shipping cycles, and offers a case study of how decisions should be taken.This key text is indispensable reading for advanced undergraduate students studying maritime economics or shipping degrees as well as for professionals working in the shipping industry or in the financial sector., This book analyses shipping markets and their interdependence. This ground-breaking text develops a new macroeconomic approach to maritime economics and provides the reader with a more comprehensive understanding of the way modern shipping markets function.

Elias Karakitsos - Maritime Economics : A Macroeconomic Approach read ebook EPUB, PDF, DJV

His articles about games and gaming appear inComputer Games Strategy Plus magazine.According to Frank Appel, CEO of Deutsche Post DHL, within its Strategy 2015 framework, DHL will "become the logistics company for the world".In times of globalization and economic downturn, the effects of which can be felt in the entire logistics industry, this goal is an enormous challenge for DHL.Increasingly men find it difficult to "do it all." Women have long noted the near impossibility of balancing multiple roles, but it is only recently that men have been encouraged to see themselves beyond their breadwinner selves.There is a conflict between humanitarian impulses and protectionism.Recent decades have seen an increase in research and writing, in the UK and internationally, on the different aspects of migration.It deserves to be widely read.A demographic revolution is underway.Official Strategy Guide.With a focus on leave policy inequalities, this book argues that men experience a phenomenon called "the glass handcuffs," which prevents them from leaving work to participate fully in their families, homes, and other life events, highlighting the cultural, institutional, organizational, and occupational conditions which make gender equality in work-life policy usage difficult.Along the way we meet the white elephant who perished in 1730, the medieval merchant who pursued a claim for compensation for nearly 20 years, the most famous privateer for the American revolutionary wars and the men who held their nerve in the minesweeper trawls of the First World War.Monetary policy is a key factor that is neglected in many earlier books on the determinants of asset prices, including oil prices.The cutting-edge designs based on simplified form and technical innovations have become the new classics.The book looks into two major fields used in modern power systems: intelligent systems and the signal processing.